Banzhaf, Hanjo – Tarot handboek

Banzhaf, Hanjo – Tarot handboek
278 pagina’s | Kosmos Uitgevers | augustus 2010
De tarot is een eeuwenoud spel en wijsheidssysteem, dat wordt vergezeld van kaarten. Dit is een van de meest verkochte geïllustreerde inleidingen.
Helder en overzichtelijk voor beginners en gevorderden.
Geïllustreerd met kaarten van zowel de Rider- als de Marseille-tarot.
Onder de vele boeken over de tarot springt het boek van de Duitse auteur er positief uit door zijn veelzijdigheid en diepgang. Het legt de Grote Arcana (en die worden toch het meest diepgaand geraadpleegd) zowel uit in Jungiaanse als in traditionele zin (d.w.z. naar getal, letter en symbool), terwijl het tevens een samenvattende duiding van de tweeentwintig hoofdkaarten geeft. Hoewel dit alles zeer overzichtelijk opgezet is, komen er zoveel details en mogelijkheden aan bod, dat de gemiddelde lezer het gevaar loopt in deze overigens interessante zee van materiaal te verdrinken. Hetzelfde geldt, zij het in mindere mate, voor de Kleine Arcana. De twaalf verschillende leggingen vormen het makkelijkste deel van het boek. Al met al een boeiend, maar moeilijk te hanteren boek, waar voornamelijk de al op dit gebied geschoolde lezer mee uit de voeten zal kunnen. Gevarieerd beeldmateriaal in zwart-wit. Bevat bronvermelding, literatuuropgave en een register.

Ascroft, Dolores – The Ritual Magic Workbook

Ascroft, Dolores – The Ritual Magic Workbook
ISBN: 1578630452
The Ritual Magic Workbook is the perfect resource for those who feel compelled to find answers about magic, but don’t have a group or tutor to which to turn for instruction. Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki helps you unravel what it means to practice magic. Her firm voice inspires you to look into yourself and judge your own motives. Do you want to practice magic because of the flashy effects in movies, or do you feel a deeper need to explore the mysteries of the occult? The Ritual Magic Workbook is broken into 12 monthly chapters, progressing from personal preparation to laying the foundation for your own temple, and on to the beginnings of simple ritual magic such as divination and healing. Read The Ritual Magic Workbook and you will know if the path of high magic is for you.
From Independent Publisher
The Ritual Magic Workbook offers the reader a structured and highly practical twelve-month introduction to ritual magic. Author Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki, a founding member and former Director of Studies for the Servants of the Light (a well known occult school), has been a practicing occultist for more than 30 years. This 1998 Weiser edition is a reissue of a work originally published in 1986 by the Aquarian Press in England. The book’s self-paced course is designed specifically for the solitary student, although a number of rituals may be undertaken with a small group. Ashcroft-Nowicki offers the student a solid, sensible-and sometimes quirkily humorous-introduction to magic. To her credit, she refuses to wave the illusory lures of money, power and sex beneath the nose of the would-be magician. Instead she focuses on real magic; magic as a path of spiritual development. She encourages the student to examine the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’ of magic. Yet the ‘how’ she provides is extensive: from what to wear and how to prepare and consecrate the temple, to a series of exercises, meditations, and rituals designed to open the magical world to the student. While not all occultists will agree with everything Ashcroft-Nowicki has to say, The Ritual Magic Workbook offers a good introduction to the subject and is recommended to the interested student.

Adler, Margot – Drawing Down the Moon

Adler, Margot – Drawing Down the Moon
ISBN 014019536X
Paperback | Penguin Books | USA Edition | 1997
The only detailed history of a little-known and widely misunderstood movement. Drawing Down the Moon provides a fascinating look at the relious experiences, beliefs, and lifestyles of the Neo-Pagan subculture. Margot Adler attended ritual gatherings and interviewed a diverse, colorful gallery of people across the United States, people who find inspiration in ancient deities, nature, myth, even science fiction. Contrary to stereotype, what Adler discovered was neither cults nor odd sects, but religion groups that are nonauthoritarian in spirit and share the belief that there is no one path to divinity.

For nearly two decades, “Drawing Down the Moon”, the only detailed history of a little-known and widely misunderstood movement, has provided the most authoritative look at the religious beliefs, experiences, and lifestyles of the neopagan culture. “A healthy corrective”.–“The New York Times Book Review”. of photos.